
We at healing hands centre, provide a thorough screening of your child to identify any red flags or possible delay in your Childs development.

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We evaluate the child’s development in physical, emotional, social, cognitive and communicative aspects. Assessment is the tool to help us understand your child and the challenges faced by the child and the parent.

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Every child is provided with a custom made therapy plan which shall help the child be an integral part of the society and achieve the goals set by themselves and their parents.

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3 Pillars of Our Excellence

Welcome to Healing Hands Centre

A child undergoes a lot of biological, emotional and psychological changes while growing up. Growth or development is often noticed in the independence that a child achieves in his or her daily activities. All this is strongly influenced by the child’s Environment, Caregiver and the Curiosity of the young budding mind.



To enable every child to be an integral and independent part of the society

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To provide child specific Multi disciplinary therapy to help the child achieve functional abilities.

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Our Services

Occupational Therapy

An Occupational Therapist is a health care practitioner who analyses the impact of occupation on health and quality …

Feeding Therapy

Feeding is an emotional experience shared between a mother and a child….

Matrix Therapy

In Matrix Rhythm Therapy the therapist acts from outside on the cells and their environment…

Nutrition Consultation

Nutrition is an important aspect affecting growth…


We follow principles of NDT, neuro developmental therapy to help the child regain function…

Sensory Integration

Our body has senses that include understanding of sight, touch, smell, sound, taste, movement, the awareness…

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy as an intervention, aims to improving a childs speech and communication…

Group Therapy

Children have a natural ability to express themselves and learn through play…

Latest News

Group Therapy
Group Therapy

Children have a natural ability to express themselves and learn through…

Speech Therapy
Speech Therapy

Speech therapy as an intervention, aims to improving a childs speech and…

Sensory Integration
Sensory Integration

Our body has senses that include understanding of sight, touch, smell,…


Why Healing Hands Centre?


Qualified Teachers


Happy Children


Total Activities


Years of Experience